React 16
I learned I needed React, ReactDOM, and Babel to be able to build and run a React program that includes JSX.
npm 6 and package.json
To import npm modules such as react, I needed Webpack and Babel.
This was because I needed to translate Common JS modules to
ES6 modules.
I learned how to use package.json file to track versions
of npm packages.
Webpack 4
I configured a simple webpack.config.js file.
I learned what these are: entry, output, module, rules.
Babel 7
I configured babel with a babelrc file.
The babelrc file uses react presets and I needed a special plugin to handle ES6 advanced callback syntax.
react-bootstrap 4
I learned various ways to do CSS in React: class, className, style, and Grid.
I learned that React uses camelCase instead of class-name.
I learned how to import an external CSS file for use in React.